The game is loaded with the humor from the anime, almost too much of it, as the jokes get stale after being reused countless times. This, unfortunately, doesn't feel like it captures what the anime delivers. The combat is heavy and sluggish, creating even more drag. The abundance of repeating the same thing creates a slow progression. And once and a while you're path crosses that of the anime's storyline. And thus you begin your journey as a Hero! This journey is a ton of repetitive quests, either fetch and delivery quests or defeat the enemy. Once you get your character made your adventure begins, and you meet Lecture Man, who guides you through your tutorial. This customization is amazing, especially once you unlock a bunch of cosmetics. You start out in Character Creation, with very limited options available to you, but many more unlockable while you play. You control your own hero through the events of One Punch Man's First season. You control your own hero through the events of One Punch Man's First One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows is an Anime RPG Fighting Game. One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows is an Anime RPG Fighting Game.